Couple in Ericeira, Portugal
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  • A couple’s romantic yoga & surf retreat in Ericeira, Portugal


A couple’s romantic yoga & surf retreat in Ericeira, Portugal

Meet Tiril Sjåstad Christiansen (24) – freestyle skier, beginner surfer in a relationship with Stian. The couple recently visited our Yoga & Surf Retreat for some valuable couple-time in Portugal. We had a chat with her by the pool about their experiences at the camp and taking a couple's vacation to Ericeira, Portugal.

How do you like being back in Portugal, and how has your stay been so far?

It has only been four days, but I already feel like a new person! The camp staff organizes everything for us, so we don’t have to worry about anything ourselves, which is relaxing. We start our days with meditation, yoga, and a healthy breakfast before the surf instructors take us to the surf spot of the day. After the surf, we indulge in a great lunch at the camp restaurant and chill out into the afternoon.  


Along with you for this trip you’ve brought your boyfriend Stian, how has it been to stay at a surf camp – as a couple?

I would totally recommend couples to try out the camp, yoga, and surfing is fun to do as a couple, and it’s great to create memories together trying out new things. I’m lucky to have a boyfriend with a lot of the same interests as me, but regardless of what you like more, there are many options available at the camp, so even if one half loves surfing more than the other, there are still lots of activities you can do together in Ericeira.


Do you have any tips for our readers who want to learn how to surf in Ericeira?

Take lessons, ask a lot of questions and absorb everything they tell you! Make sure to join the theory lesson, as it’s super handy to know a little about waves, weather, and winds. It really ‘clicked’ for me in many ways after our theory lesson this week. Most of all, be prepared for a lot of trial and error in the beginning, and don’t give up! The feeling you get when you make it is just divine!

Taking yoga classes together has also been an enormous help, both for our surfing and the sense of wellbeing. My daily life at home is often stressful, but I find yoga calms me down. As a bonus, I find myself more flexible and more able to take control of my thoughts and increase my focus, so I recommend anyone involved with surfing to try it.

It’s also great to do as a couple for a stronger connection.

Any last thoughts you would like to share before you run back into the ocean, about surfing or life in general?

Haha, yeah, don’t think too much, just go for it!

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